Keeping You Informed
Borrowing Wisely
In my nearly 40 years of lending experience in both the secular banking industry and religious financial services, I’ve seen God lead people to do a lot of great things for His Kingdom, but I’ve also seen a lot of mistakes.
Interest-Only Loan Payments
The rapid spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing many churches across the Southern Baptist Convention to temporarily stop or limit services. At WatersEdge, we understand the financial burden this may create and want to help.
COVID-19 Update
Love for Christ compels love for our neighbor, which means we must do everything in our power to slow the rapid spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Taming the Accounting Beast
Sarah Barham wasn’t looking for a job. The Shawnee, Oklahoma, native and mother of three was happy at the large public accounting firm where she’d worked for the past 15 years.