Kingdom Investments For Individuals

Invest with Purpose
Personal Investments That Build Churches
Kingdom Investments offer the opportunity to multiply your personal financial resources while simultaneously advancing ministry.* WatersEdge uses your invested dollars to provide competitive loans to churches that are seeking to purchase, build, renovate or refinance their facilities. The interest that these congregations pay on their loans provides the return on your investment. Learn more in our Offering Circular.
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Our Rates
Term Investments
Fixed interest rates and investment periods are ideal for investors who seek an expected return over their choice of time period.**
$1,000 minimum |
Six-Month |
5.00% APY |
One-Year |
4.75% APY |
Two-Year |
4.65% APY |
Five-Year |
4.60% APY |
Interest rates presented as annual percentage yield (APY) and are subject to change; Interest compounds quarterly; Early withdrawal fees apply (see “Investment Details” below); Not FDIC or SIPC insured; investment involves the risk of loss; Learn more in our Offering Circular or review our Terms and Conditions.
Demand Investments
Grow cash at competitive rates with no commitment; withdraw funds at any time, penalty-free. Ideal for short-term investors who need to access funds on-demand.
$1,000 Minimum |
Demand |
2.73% APY |
Interest rates presented as annual percentage yield (APY) and are subject to change; Interest compounds monthly; Principal and interest available on demand; no early withdrawal fee; Not FDIC or SIPC insured; investment involves the risk of loss; Learn more in our Offering Circular or review our Terms and Conditions.
How To Invest
Invest from the comfort of home in 15 minutes or less using our secure online application and electronic funds transfer.

Our convenient digital application saves time and minimizes paperwork. Click the “Invest Today” button below to get started.

Redeem your principal and interest at the end of your term or reinvest and allow your money to continue to grow.

Your investment is used to advance the Gospel by providing biblically grounded financing that helps churches transform lives with the Gospel.
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Why Kingdom Investments?
Kingdom Investments are ideal for ministry-minded individuals who seek growth of cash assets through short- to mid-term investment opportunities.

Earn More Interest
Great rates make your money work harder, multiplying resources and maximizing return.

Lock In Rates
Avoid the ups and downs of the stock market; fixed yields on Term Investments mean you can grow cash with less volatility.**

Uber Flexible
Invest cash on a daily, monthly or yearly timeframe; multiple options are available to meet your unique needs and goals.

Impact Ministry
Unlike traditional financial institutions, WatersEdge uses your investment to grow churches through our Ministry Loan program.

“It’s a win-win. You’re helping by sending your money to them to invest, and they’re turning around and investing in churches like mine. I’m a beneficiary of people and churches investing money there. So really, you’re helping other churches, you’re helping yourself, and the Kingdom grows as a result.”
Chad Keck
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church | Kettering, OH

“Partnering with WatersEdge on our church loan has been a perfect fit for our church’s vision — to see souls saved and lives changed. Now, Kingdom Investments allow individuals and ministries to work together to expand the Kingdom.”
Danny Gandara
Pastor, Sunnylane Church | Oklahoma City, OK
Your Impact
Churches and Ministries Served
$789 Million
Loans Funded
Returned to Investors Since 2018
Statistics cumulative since inception unless noted; updated 2/28/25.
How Your Investment Helps Churches
Watch this 2-minute video to find out.
Go Deeper
Investment Details
Investment Allocation
WatersEdge uses Kingdom Investments proceeds primarily to fund loans to Southern Baptist churches and other faith-aligned ministries but also maintains cash, cash equivalents and readily marketable securities for operating and reserve liquidity.
Risk Factors
Kingdom Investments are not FDIC or SIPC insured and are subject to certain risk factors as described in our Offering Circular.
- There are no service fees associated with investing in Kingdom Investments, but there is an early redemption penalty for redeeming a Term Investment prior to its maturity date.
- For terms 1 year or shorter, the penalty is 90 days of accrued interest; for terms longer than 1 year, the penalty is 180 days of accrued interest. The penalty is limited to accrued interest and doesn’t invade the initial principal investment.
The minimum balance needed to establish and maintain a Kingdom Investment (either a Demand Investment or a Term Investment) is $1,000.00.
- Interest is accrued daily and paid on the last day of the month for Demand Investments and at the end of the calendar quarter for Term Investments.
- Interest is added to the principal balance of the Kingdom Investment unless an investor requests that it instead be withdrawn either at the time of application or in any subsequent notice.
Tax Aspects
- Interest will be taxable as ordinary income in the year it is paid or accrued regardless of whether it is actually paid out to an investor, and investors will receive a 1099-INT from WatersEdge.
- Investors do not receive a charitable deduction when purchasing Kingdom Investments.
- In addition to consulting the Offering Circular for more details, prospective investors are encouraged to consult with a tax advisor.
Online Account Access
Investors may register for online account access to get real-time access to their investment information, retrieve statements and submit transfer requests.
Who Can Invest?
Investment opportunities are available to individuals, ministries and businesses who align with our desire to transform lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and who fit within our “Limited Class of Investors” as defined in our Offering Circular. Generally, this includes:
- Members or regular attenders of Southern Baptist churches or “Faith-Aligned” evangelical Christian churches
- Current or former WatersEdge clients
- Southern Baptist or “Faith-Aligned” evangelical Christian churches, ministries, organizations and institutions
- Businesses owned by members or regular attenders of Southern Baptist churches or “Faith-Aligned” evangelical Christian churches
Are Kingdom Investments a new service offered by WatersEdge?
Kingdom Investments isn’t a new service, but it is being made available to new types of investors. For years, WatersEdge has provided churches and ministries with investment opportunities related to its church loans but is now making those opportunities available to individuals, businesses and trusts that meet eligibility requirements.
Is it unusual for a nonprofit Christian financial services organization like WatersEdge to offer investments to individuals?
Many faith-based financial organizations who provide investments through a Church Extension Fund offer opportunities to individuals.
How do Kingdom Investments help churches and ministries?
WatersEdge uses the proceeds from Kingdom Investments to provide financing for Southern Baptist churches and related ministries who are purchasing, building, renovating or refinancing their facilities.
Does the addition of individual investors change the mission of WatersEdge?
Every service we offer is anchored by our purpose statement: to financially empower donors and ministries to transform lives with the Gospel. We believe Kingdom Investments enhances our ability to provide financing to growing churches and ministries across the United States, creating more opportunities to support Kingdom work.