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Not Your Everyday Estate Plan
Newlyweds Will and Cady Bailey aren’t the typical family associated with estate planning, but they loved the idea of stewardship and promoting the Kingdom, so they created a plan for the future.
Where are you from?
Will: “I’m from Ada, Oklahoma, and Cady is from Ft. Worth, Texas, but we recently bought a house in Blanchard, Oklahoma.”
What do you do?
Will: “I work at a custom hot rod and fabrication shop, where we build a lot of high-end cars and motorcycles.”
Cady: “I teach Algebra II at Santa Fe South Pathways Middle College. Our program allows students to get their associate degree or up to an associate as they complete high school.”
Why did you choose to create an estate plan?
Cady: “I don’t think it was ever on our radar. But because the Foundation brought it to our church, it was easy. We were like, ‘Yeah, this is something that can honor the Lord, so let’s do it.’ It was also strongly encouraged by other people who we look up to in the church.”
Will: “We’d be fools not to, in a lot of ways. Plus, it benefits our future children, our families, and even benefits either one of us in case something happens. The Foundation really communicated that it’s about stewardship and taking care of the things God has given us to use for His Kingdom.”
What was the process like?
Cady: “The process for us was super easy, and it was explained on a level that we could understand. And it was nice, too, to have someone who is a Christian, who loves the Lord, to help us with that because they are like-minded.”

SERVICE WITH A SMILE — When he’s not busy customizing cars, you’ll likely find Will Bailey spending time with his wife, Cady. Though they don’t yet have children, the couple knew how important it was to create an estate plan after losing Will’s father three years ago. He died without any plan in place, including a last will and testament.
What ministries did you choose as charitable beneficiaries of your estate plan? Why?
Cady: We chose Camp Wow in Gerty, Oklahoma, which is about 45 minutes from Ada, because I worked there during college and I’ve always had a heart for youth. I also volunteered at Dayspring Villa while I was in college, which serves women who have been abused or involved in human trafficking. I know that my money would be spent wisely and impact the Kingdom well at both of those places.
Will: We also chose Hope Pregnancy Centers, because I think God really uses the centers to save lives, and to really make an impact in these women’s lives and in their children’s lives. The other place that we want to give our last gift to is the church that we’re attending at the time of death. Wherever it is, we’re going to be going there for a reason, and that reason is for God’s Kingdom to be glorified, and for us to make disciples.
Why should young people create an estate plan?
Will: “Part of me was thinking about the common misconception of wills and trusts being for rich older people who have kids. To see it’s not for just those people, but that it can be for somebody like us is really cool.”
Cady: “I think death and even sickness is really hard for people to walk through. And to have legal stuff in place is so important. That way, I’m not like ‘Well, Will would have really wanted this.’ Because part of the plan is what happens if something happens to him and he becomes incapacitated.”
Will: “When my dad passed away three years ago, he didn’t have a will. I didn’t want to leave Cady in that position someday and I don’t want to leave our children in that position either, when we have kids. It’s just not fair. And I don’t feel like it’s stewarding what God’s given us very well either. I would encourage anybody to create an estate plan because the things that you have—your house, your cars, your money—it’s ultimately God’s.”
*Editor’s Note – Since original publication, Will has changed careers and now works as a heat and air technician, and the couple has one baby boy. (October 23, 2020)