Your Impact

We Fight For Real Heroes. Like You.

Real heroes don’t wear capes or leap tall buildings. They put others before themselves. They feed the hungry. House the homeless. Spread the word of God to every corner of the earth. You may not FEEL like a hero. But when you give to ministry, that’s exactly what you are.

Baptist ministries are doing God’s work. But they can’t do it without your generous gift. At WatersEdge, our advisors work tirelessly to maximize the impact of your donation. Our legal and financial strategies put more of your money to work for God. We help you grow the Kingdom and bless the less fortunate. Because that’s what real heroes do.

25x25 Distributions Since 2013

It was a bold idea, a number so big it seemed impossible — $25 million to Kingdom-impacting ministries annually by the year 2025. That’s our vision. We call it “25 by 25,” and thanks to the generosity of thousands of individuals and families like yours, we’re on pace to make 25×25 a reality. Together, we’ve exceeded goals every year since 2013, distributing millions to a myriad of Christian causes along the way. Your giving impacts lives on earth and in eternity. Won’t you join us?

2023 Annual Impact Report

25x25 Distribution
Estate Planning
Kingdom Investments
Church Loans
Ministry Accounting

Impact Stories

From Mauve to Mod

First Moore’s newly remodeled worship center hits all the right buttons for members and visitors alike When Charlie Blount walked into the nearly 40-year-old worship center at First Moore Baptist Church in March 2020 as the congregation’s new pastor, little did he...

A Sign of Good News

Paul, an International Mission Board missionary, sits just outside a crowded cafeteria. Chairs grate across the floor. A cacophony of voices vibrate through the room. Forks scrape plates. The ice in the drink machine clinks to the bottom of an empty glass. He hears...

Breaking New Ground

North Metro Baptist Church Receives Largest Loan in WatersEdge History Gloomy skies and patches of rain couldn’t keep the members of North Metro Baptist Church from making history. When the congregation broke ground on a new campus earlier this year near Atlanta,...