WatersEdge Continues Full Operations While Supporting Social Distancing Initiative
Love for Christ compels love for our neighbor, which means we must do everything in our power to slow the rapid spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Healthcare professionals on national, state and local levels agree this is possible only by limiting person-to-person contact (social distancing). Therefore, as of Wednesday, March 18, I have instructed the majority of WatersEdge Ministry Services’ staff to begin working from home until the threat posed by the virus has passed. We will maintain a limited presence at our physical offices to meet individually with clients and to facilitate specific business processes that cannot be accomplished remotely.
I want to emphasize that this move will not reduce or limit WatersEdge services in any way. Meeting the needs of our clients, especially during this challenging time, remains our top priority. Thanks to rigorous planning, we are well-prepared to continue serving the individuals, churches, ministries, organizations and institutions that rely on us. All WatersEdge staff are equipped to work remotely, ensuring our ability to conduct business without interruption.
During this period of remote work, WatersEdge team members can be reached by phone through their regular office extension, or through their WatersEdge email. WatersEdge Ministry Services’ primary phone numbers are 866.693.8369 (toll-free) or 405.534.5003 (local).
While vigilance over COVID-19’s impact on the market is prudent, I want to reassure our clients that current volatility is not cause for panic. Market fluctuations are common in response to significant global events, which is why WatersEdge investments are structured for long-term growth. Nearly 75 years of experience managing assets during times of both prosperity and recession have given us the wisdom needed to navigate any market environment.
If you have questions or concerns about how COVID-19 may impact your account(s), please contact a WatersEdge representative at 866.693.8369 or info@WatersEdge.com.
I invite you to join our staff in prayer as we ask God to save lives and alleviate suffering caused by COVID-19, and I encourage you to hold close these words from Philippians 4:6-7…
“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Robert Kellogg
WatersEdge Ministry Services CEO